
Clever Kid

It's sure is fun to hear what a soon-to-be 2 year old comes up with when reading, playing, drawing and the like. Oliver is a clever kid, and I can't help but make note of the things he says these days, as they are awesome. The following are some comments he's made in the last month or so while reading books.

For this photo Oliver said, "Glasses on." I like that observation.

And for this one he exclaimed, "Remember to chew!"

While reading Drummer Hoff Fired It Off, a book from my childhood, Oliver really liked the line "Captain Bammer brought the Rammer" (see page from book in photo). He then proceeded to go into the bathroom and grab the toilet cleaner calling it a rammer. Cool relationship made there, eh? Let's just keep that "rammer" in the bathroom.

And this last photo is to share with you why I'm not so clever. For days I thought this was a photo of humpback whales looking up to the sky. Just recently I figured out it was a picture of birds putting their heads into water. Yep.


jamesandlindsaylattin said...

This made me grin! Cute kid!

jo said...

I need to add drummer hoff to my library.

and what a clever kid. love that imagination.

kel said...

great post. it made me laugh out loud several times. and i couldn't help but think about the "scenic route" incidence after reading the last sentence.