
Happy holidays

We’ve had a very Merry Christmas. 

One of closeness and love, caring and doing, giving and getting, growing and learning. 

We’ve all missed the parties, family gatherings, activities, and concerts. However, the slowing down of the hustle and bustle has been a a nice change of pace for the season. 

Sitting by the fireplace and watching the boys play, Elsie pull herself to standing, Jess sing in the karaoke microphone (best gift of 2020 in my opinion!) has been where the joy comes from most. Thinking of the love of Jesus Christ and seeing it in my home is magical. That’s goodness. That’s a Merry Christmas. 

In other news this season —
Ansel snowboards on the boogie board...this may just be a new Olympic sport come 2036. Ansel’s sure he’d win it. 

Elsie crawls on turbo speed and stands like a pro. She’s even climbed up the whole basement stairs! She talking up a storm and likes to empty the bottom rack of the dishwasher. 

Ian helps make all kinds of goodies in the kitchen. He can crack eggs all by himself. He likes to build Legos using “constructions.”

Ollie breaks his wrist while ice skating (dang it!). But he’s learning to deal with difficulty and have patience. He even got a picture of the full moon through his telescope one handed. 

Onward and upward for the new year. Let’s sing a tune in the karaoke microphone! 🎤 

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