
They’re making a comeback

As I scroll through instagram photos of hip female teens I am totally surprised to see tight shirts and boot cut jeans making a comeback. Chunky sneakers too. Even puka shell necklaces. Is this happening everywhere? 

Back during my latter years of college, I was so happy to say goodbye to the (possible muffin top) combo of a tight top shirt with low rise pants. Now the style is coming back baby. 

I should have kept my chunky Doc Marten slip on sandals because I could pull them out right now and be on the edge of fashion. Heck, I should have kept a lot of things from my middle school and high school years. My glasses are coming back too. Actually, it’d be awesome to get my brother’s old glasses from the 90s and fill them with new lenses now. I would be so lit!

Truth is, I now know why mom jeans are called mom jeans. It’s because they hold you in when all those ab muscles have been stretched out. I’m liking that right about now. But the high rise is going out. That’s why the latest Madewell high rise jeans have such a good sale going on currently. Still, I’m going to stick with high rise as long as I can. 

I used to worry that I was dressing too young for my age. But now I know that’s never going to be a problem. 

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