
bp's science: mucus info (v.1)

It's cold season and with colds come mucus. Somewhere I was taught, that when you have a runny nose, the color of the mucus tells you important things. I learned that clear, runny mucus meant you were in the throes of a sickness. Once the mucus started getting darker (think yellow or green), then you were on the mend.

I couldn't find anything on the internet to back me up on this one. Although, there were some offerings up of what mucus color means. One of the sources I found helpful was Web MD. The site says that yellow or green mucus indicates that the white blood cells of your body are fighting a bacterial infection. These white blood cells have an enzyme that is greenish in color which can make mucus the same color. So in this instance, the green mucus shows that your body is fighting the infection and you will soon get better. Ahh! So it kind of backs me up here. Right? Another site suggested that different colors corresponded to the type of germ you've got (yellow = virus, green = bacteria). So, take what you can from today's post. And hopefully, be done with having to blow your nose very often very soon. Here's to spring!


kel said...

thanks for this post. i've been wondering if my recollections of mucus decoding was real.

jamesandlindsaylattin said...

Gross and informative!