
What came first

Here's a question: does life make your blog more interesting or does your blog make life more interesting? The other day I was talking with a fellow (much more extreme) blogger and she said "I do cool things so I can post them on my blog." Hmmm, curious... It kind of struck me and led me to the famous query "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" In this instance, what came first, the interesting blog or the interesting life? One would suppose it was the latter. (Actually, for any of you getting really technical out there, for anyone born before the mid 90s the latter would be true, as that is when blogs are noted to have begun.) Still, could the previous be true for some situations? For instance, I wrote a post on the use of "okay" to answer the daily question of, "How are you?" This is usually a passing thought in my mind, but when I wrote about it on my blog, it made my thought more interesting. Take your blog for a moment, what came first?


jo said...

For sure the blog came before the life... and sadly I'm still waiting for the life. Unless of course you count defining words a life... then, I have a life.

english said...

my blog's been around waaaaay longer than chickens.

Mumsy said...

Very interesting question.....

I think my life is pretty mundane. People ask me how I find time to do all that I do and keep up with 4 blogs. Um, well, I sometimes blog all day. And that doesn't make me interesting at all. It makes me lame and boring.