
Ian gets a sling, then a cast, then a recast

On Mothers Day, Ian was riding a cardboard box down the stairs, when it caught the last stair and sent Ian flying. When he caught himself after the fall, he broke his radius causing a simple, transverse factor. I had suggested he ride down the stairs in the box, so yep, I was feeling like a really good mother on Mothers Day.

Due to the type of break he had, he had to be sedated and his arm had to be realigned. A week later, after the swelling had gone down, he had to get a cast. Turns out, his cast was too tight (think so much pain you can't sleep and purple fingers), so in the wee hours of the morning, we had to head to the ER and get his cast cut to loosen it. A week after that, he had to get more casting material wrapped around his cut cast. Now he's healing with a return check-up at 3 weeks.

During this adventure while going back and forth to appointments, I had a lot of one on one time with Ian, which is rare seeing as Ian is moving all of the time and never one to sit for more than a few minutes. On one such car ride, we had a great conversation.

Ian: Mom, I don't want to go on a lot of trips this summer. I'd just like to play with my friends. Please, no long trips!

Mom: Okay, we won't do any long trips, but we are going to go on some short ones.

Ian: Who are we going with? I hope we go with some other families.

Mom: We will go with cousins and some friends, but what's so wrong with just going with our own little family? I used to do that all of the time when I was a kid and it was great!

Ian: That's because your siblings played with you. That's why the trips were fun. My brothers and sister don't play with me.

Mom: Really?

Ian: Yes, I am more of an action, fighter type guy. Elsie only likes to play with Barbies. Ansel is like a video game, chill guy. And Oliver just reads and does nothing.

Mom: Oh, I see. Still, I feel like you guys have fun sometimes.

Ian: Yes, its fun when they can play action, fighter type games

Now we know what Ian thinks of his siblings. Ha! Ian is such a fun personality. He is the best conversationalist. And even though he has a broken arm, it hasn't stopped him from swimming or going down some very big slides at the pool this weekend! 

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