
End of the year wrap up

Um, it’s summer already. Wow! There was a whirlwind at the end of the school year and lots of activities for the final days of school and then we were onto the next thing. So let’s take a moment to remember those times because they were big!

We were able to enjoy some beautiful hikes, one being a quick jaunt up to Temple Quarry. The water was the highest we have ever seen!

Ian had an end-of-year program. The teachers made a cute video of the kids describing the things they loved about Kindergarten. Ian said, “recess and reading and making new friends and brain boosters.” It was a great year for him!
Ansel received his Bachelors Degree in a fourth grade program called the University of Learning. He did projects on piano, soccer, and cooking. Way to go!
On the third to last day of school, he and his buddies ceremoniously burned his Wonders book (the guide the school uses for writing practice) because it was something they loathed. Ha! 

Oliver had a birthday party with his friends at Top Golf. He and his buddies are hilarious. His last few days of middle school were good. He’s happy with his experience and ready for high school. Yowza!

Elsie finished her year of tumbling. She loved wearing her leotards. She really enjoyed the class and doing it her little friends.
We had our neighborhood end-of-year party. It was a good time full of BBQ, bounce houses, face painting (Elsie with her buddy), 9-square, and lots of good conversation with neighbors young and old. 

Jess and I went on a helicopter ride over the Wasatch mountains. We flew around our house later on during the ride and Oliver waved up at us. Taking a ride in a helicopter has been on my bucket list and Jess made it happen. Wahoo!
The creek near our house continues to rise and fall as the snow melts. Even though our neighborhood has prepped for flooding (sandbags galore!), the weather is cooperating and it looks like we should be clear. It’s crazy to see it this high!
We visited the Great Salt Lake because Oliver did a report on it and wanted to check water levels. He found that it has risen with the snow melt (yes!!)! Plus, the temperature was perfect and there was a breeze so there was no stinky smell. He and Ansel swam (and floated) in the water. None of us came prepared with swimming suits so the younger kids didn’t get to go out. Next time! 
After being out of school for only a couple of days, we were off to St. George with our friends and neighbors. We had a great time playing with buddies and chatting with pals. Always such a great time. We also spent time with family. My sister’s family was down there at the same time and we went to Sand Hollow Reservoir together. My brother-in-law loves the Flite Board and let me give it a try. So fun!

Now onto the rest of summer. Today I drove to swim lessons and picked up Ian from camp. Oliver’s off at a service camp with his cousin. Tomorrow we’re headed to Lagoon. And then onto the next thing and the next. Hopefully, in the (good) whirlwind of it all, the kids are making memories. 

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