
Boulder Colorado

To welcome summer, we took a family road trip. Everyone did a great job with the 7.5 hour drive! It’s still not my favorite way to travel, but when you get to stop at The Little America in the middle of nowhere, it’s ten times better. Ian loved his sleeping mask. Never really used it, but it was a great traveling accessory. 

We added a new state to the kids’ lists. Colorado is a beautiful place. 

We went hiking around the Flat Irons and took in the views. 

We also smelled the trees. This one smelled like butterscotch. It’s crazy how these trees can take on a smell. 

We found creatures too. 

We also stopped at the Carousel of Happiness in Nederland, CO. It promised happiness, and I felt it. They had a big band music machine that was awesome. I bought a t-shirt. Yep. 

This was one of the kids favorite stops. They had quotes all over the walls. Stuff like: “the world awaits your wonder.” It was very hippy + happiness + peace + joy. I loved it. 

We visited the Buffalo Bill Museum and gravesite. The kids dressed up while Jess and Oliver read all of the plaques. 

I had them give me a synopsis of everything they learned since we were busy riding fake horses. 

We took in the views. Can you see Denver?

The final day there, I ran the Bolder Boulder, which is a 10k race I’ve always wanted to try. As luck would have it, I could walk to the starting line from the hotel. 

My race photos are hilarious. That’s one of the funnest parts of a race, to find out how dumb you look in the photos they took. Here’s my best. Ha! Not only did I finish with Waldo, but I also appear to be a very serious runner. 

It was a great time with just our little fam.

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