
Whirlwind weeks

Man! We have packed in a bunch these last two weeks. Our almost-done-with-school, pre-summer days have been full. A good full!

We visited the zoo on a Saturday after soccer games and the weather was good.

We attended Oliver’s final symphonic band concert. It was awesome. The kids learned all kinds of songs and the finale included every member of the music program: band, orchestra, percussion, and choir!

Jess and I went to the Ben Rector concert with friends. Two days later, I went to the symphony with friends. For that one week, I was a concert-going fiend!

We went to the elementary school fun run. 

Ansel ran the whole 5k with his friends and me. I was amazed at their stamina! I never would have run over three miles in third grade. 

Ian and Elsie had a picnic with pals. 

Amidst that, my sisters and I put on a tea party (woot woot!) with our company Five Pence and a Crown. It was so fun and new and oh so nerve-racking, but mostly wonderful and delightful and exciting. 

Then it was off to a swimming party for a friend of Ian’s. Ian had no fear and jumped!

Ansel perfected his diving. 

Then we celebrated Oliver’s birthday! We have a teen in the house. We celebrated with Indian food and chocolate cake. He’s one awesome kid. As the timer counted down to take this photo he said, “Hopefully, this is my only birthday with braces!”

Ian had his preschool program. He did such a great job saying his part and introducing the song “What a Wonderful World.” I took so many videos but no pics, so here’s Ian at another party living the dream at the candy bar.

School was then out and our neighborhood had a rockin’ party with bounce houses, games, food, music, and all-around good times. Elsie was living’ it up until dark. 

Then we were off on another adventure, but I’ll leave that for another post. Here’s to summer!

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