
Snapshot of Elsie right now

- She requests we listen to music all of the time. She’ll say “ic on!” which means “music on!” She likes to dance too. The tunes begin and she says “Dance Dad” or “Dance Mom” and we’ll dance together. It’s the best. 

- When she hears a loud sound from outside she’ll say that it’s an airplane. Then she’ll want to go look up at the sky for it. 

- She loves to wear hats. “Hat on!” is a favorite phrase of hers. 

- She has names for certain books we read at night, some of which include: 
Mr Brown Can Moo = Moo
Good Night Moon = Moon
The Very Hungry Caterpillar = Pop!
Noah’s Ark = Boat
Spot Says Goodnight = Boo!
Chika Chika Boom Boom = Chika or ABC
Grover Goes to School = Bus

- She loves to wear a doggy backpack. She loves to click the buckles on it and will say “Buckle!”

- When we says it’s time for a bathtub she smiles and says, “bubbles!”

- She loves to sit and draw little circles on paper with markers or crayon. She’ll concentrate and do that for a long time. We’ve had to limit the marker use, however, because she had a stage where she loved drawing in the wall. I think, I hope, we’re out of that stage. 

- She loves to make fists and clench them hard as we say “strong girl!” She’ll then point to each of us and say “Ollie (or Ansel or Ian or Mom or Dad) do it!” and she will watch us with delight as we each take turns being strong!

She is such a fun age, such a fun girl. 

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