
Adding to her vocabulary

Elsie is in a stage where she adds new words to her vocabulary at lightning speed. The other day she pointed to a “boat” as she said the very word while on a walk around the neighborhood. She picked up  “fish” at the museum, saw the “sharp” scissors today, loved the “bubbles” in the bathtub, and says “milk” and “cheese” on the regular. It’s fascinating because I know she is picking up stuff without my even realizing it and she’s very proud when I recognize that she’s learned something new. Her mirror neurons are firing on all cylinders and it’s amazing. 

What’s more, she is doing stretches with me, dancing like us, folding her arms, and blinking like it shows in a book of hers. She sings songs and knows our walking route when she rides her plasma car, again, at lightning speed. 

She’s growing and learning and I’m just in awe at the process of it all. 

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