
And she’s one

Elsie continues to fill our days with brightness, cuteness, and joy. And she’s one! 

She walks everywhere, toddling around the house and up and down the sidewalk. She’s very good at emptying bookshelves and toy bins. 

She loves to be in the action, discover the world, and try new things. Just this week she figured out how to go down the stairs backwards. She then tried this new skill to get down off our bed. Oops! But she is a quick learner :). 

She loves to read books (I’m pretty sure she knows the word “book”, because every time I say it, she smiles with glee), watch Frito the lizard, laugh, and be outside. Look at her climb up that hill! She is determined. 

Happy first birthday Elsie! You are just the best. 

1 comment:

jo said...

She is darling, Ash. Such a sweet kiddo. Happy Birthday Elsie!