The Thunder Snow was really cool. It was basically a snow storm with lightning. A few times I thought the lightning was power lines snapping, because, ya know, there is no lightning during a snow storm. Or so I thought. But actually there is, when the pressure is low, and that is very rare. The meteorologist had never seen one in her lifetime. So this storm was like the eclipse of the cloudy skies. (Man, that is some good weatherman material right there, wouldn't you say?)
One more thing that was interesting to watch were the cars coming home during rush hour. The storm caused some real back up (think 4 hours to get home!). There were lots of icy spots and some cars just couldn't get up the small incline by our apartment. My first observation of the night was that I will never buy a Crown Victoria (regardless of it's possible pluses). It is the car that I saw get stuck the most. My second observation was that I felt like I was watching a sociology experiment take place. The (a) lack of help during certain situations and (b) what activated people to help was very eye-opening. I also was able to reaffirm something that I knew before, but which was very apparent that others did not, that is: it does not help when individuals honk at someone who is stuck.
I will never buy a Crown Victoria because that is what the old man was driving when he hit Chris and the boys. Honestly, even reading the name makes my bowels go weak.
Sounds like quite the show, glad you were watching from home and not on the road.
You're lucky to have a great view. I didn't see any thunder. James did. And he thought it was a power line snapping too. He left at 3:15pm and got home at 6:15pm.
Seriously? Honking at someone who is stuck? I can't believe it.
Reminds me of the awesome Plymouth Sundance. That thing was a champion in many a storm (could have been the excellent IFAD driving skills of a certain older sister though, too).
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