
First post o' 2011

A late HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!

We rang out the old year with a huzzah and brought in the new year with a hurrah! Our holiday was wonderful. Some of the hight points include:

- visiting the newly dressed Provo house (looks superb!)and "breaking into" said house while scaring the tenants and ourselves (sorry guys)
- fixing Christmas dinner with a great group of people and bringing the spiral ham (you know you are gaining responsibility when you are in charge of bringing "the ham")
- opening presents in front of those viewing the festivities via Skype (we missed you guys, but thanks to technology)

- dancing while your family chants "boring" to buy some time in a wild game involving kipper snacks, izzy pop, chocolate cones, mystery gifts, and the proverbial stocking

- eating Sausalito chowder as Oliver has fun with cousins and I talk to family about important things like how Miley Cyrus has changed over the years
- enjoying well-produced films at the film fest whilst ingesting JFranks dawgs

and those are just tidbits of good times from our holiday. What a grand time. Now we're ready for 2011.


Janice said...

It was a great holiday.

jo said...

I'm so impressed with your ham getting duties! Next you'll be in charge of the... wait... I think that's the biggest responsibility of the bunch!

love seeing you. you guys are already missed.