
Soon to be 4+2=6

About a week ago, my midwife told me, “that baby has dropped!” and that “she is coming soon!” It should be rule number one in the OB/Midwife handbook to never tell a 37 week pregnant woman that her baby is coming soon. To her that means now(!) or tonight, or maybe tomorrow, but never 10+ more days. But hey, I signed up for this waiting game, so I have to deal with it and act like I’m totally cool with being patient. 

Some days I’m pretty good at doing just that, but most of the time the uncertainty just about kills me! So other than wait for a new babe to join the family, I’ll report on what we’ve been up to as of late.  There was a bit of ice skating for all the boys. 

And some playing with Grandma’s old jewelry. 

We’ve also been sitting on top of the refrigerator. 

And listening to facts about Dwight D. Eisenhower. Oliver did a great job on his Presidential report and looked the part thanks to Grandpa’s uniform collection. 

I’ve done a lot of this kind of playing with my kids. “You do that, and I’ll watch.”

And sometimes I get stuff done while Ian naps on berries. 

Waiting really is fine. And soon my days will be filled in a very different way. Lots of feeding, changing diapers, and staring at our latest addition with a wonderment that only a newborn can bring. Until then, here’s to staying sane when every contraction, baby movement, or loose joint could be interpreted as: “baby’s coming!”

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