He likes to eat apples. Sometimes with the skin and sometimes without. And when it's without, he spits it out with a look on his face of, "Uh, what in the world is this?"
He talks a whole lot and is singing songs. Seven is "secen", underneath is "underneaf", and he counts to 20 like a pro (1, 2, 3, 4, secen, 8, 10, 11,12, 14, 15, 13, 20!).
The other day he used the stereo antenna as the church microphone. His dad gave a talk in church just recently, so I'm pretty sure that's what inspired him.
Really cute little guy. We need to get together soon. It's been WAY too long!
What a happy, healthy boy you are growing! We love him and you two parents, too!
I can't believe he's counting (however it be) already! It seems like just yesterday he was a little bundle in my arms listening to the DC rain. What a cute boy!
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