
I made homemade applesauce this morning

and it was so delicious.

What made it doubly delicious was that I made it out of apples that Jess mentioned I should throw away because they were mushy. And to his credit, they were darn mushy, so mushy that we didn't want to come within 5 feet of them, but I just couldn't trash mealy things without attempting to transform them into something.

And what made it triply delicious was how easy it was to make. See here for recipe.


jamesandlindsaylattin said...

Look at you! Good work!

Chap said...

Yum, (esp when it's hot)! Are you enjoying The Help? I loved that book.

kel said...

right on! i have two boxes of apples out in the garage (our neighbs gave them to us - fresh from Oregon). they smell wonderful but lack that crisp bite. i am using your recipe today!

jo said...
