
Libraries and DVDs

Have you ever gone to the library and only checked out DVDs? It seems like every time I check out a DVD at the library I feel some sort of pressure to check out books too, to prove to the librarians that I read. For some reason I feel a need to make up for my movie watching enjoyment with a couple of books. One DVD rental equals two books, or something like that. I mean, when I go up to check items out, I always feel like the librarian behind the counter is somehow chiding me for checking out DVDs. I can hear her think, “Oh, I see, you don’t read much, hmmmm? You know this is a library. We have shelves and shelves of books.” So I always have a few books to check out with the DVD. When I do this, it seems as though I can see the attitude of the librarian change, and instead she is thinking, “Ah, good, at least you’ve got some books to accompany your DVD. Enjoy that one, it’s a classic. Oh yeah, and that drivel of a DVD is due back in 7 days.” Of course, the attitude of the librarian is the best when only books are checked out. As he scans your card and hands you your receipt, the message from the smile on his face conveys, “Ah, a fellow reader. Soak those pages up with your soul. Oh yes, and read that other one while sipping a cup of hot apple cider.” Then he mentions out loud, “And did you know that parking is free when you validate your parking stub?” This is when you know you’ve been accepted into the fold.


jo said...

ha! You explain this universal experience so vividly.

And that book+book=DVD equation is a great one to remember. I'll log that away right next to the Pythagorean Theorem. I want to be in the accepted into the fold as well.

Janice said...

As you know, I read constantly but LOVE to check out DVDs because they are free and I get to keep them for a full week.

ZhaoKids said...

haha.......I always check out more that 15books at a time. The librarian must IN LOVE with me...haha..with my kids, I believe, since they ALL children picture books. =)

how are you my friend?!

jamesandlindsaylattin said...

Loved the post! I hear ya!(Our DVDs are due back at the Provo Library on Monday.)

Natalie said...

That's hilarious! And how are you enjoying Lord of the Flies, by the way?

Chap said...

I have thought the exact same thing (minus the equation)! I have secretly felt a need to tell them, "But don't worry I have lots of books at home that I am reading!!" I never have told them that, I have just slunk out the door with my dvds.

Love your blog and you!

kel said...

and if you have a fine, ha! it is scorn and shame-on-you flashed in quick glances as each item is scanned and demagnetized.

Da said...

Ding Ding! Self checkout... no need for waiting, thinking, messing with other people's feelings. :D but thats just me.

Emily said...

This is hilarious.