Laughter is the best medicine. Although this quote can’t be attributed to one person, Proverbs 17:22 is probably the first mention of health being benefit by a merry heart. I also found this interesting, from an article in psychiatric times (who knows if it’s legit, but here I go anyway), it mentions that “ In the 1300s, Henri de Mondeville, a professor of surgery, propagated post-operative therapy with humor.” The article goes onto explain how humor has been used in medicine and therapy for years. Fascinating stuff.
Anyhow, my life abounds in the funny. I love it. I married Jess because of so many reasons, but one reason was huge - he is hilarious. My kids are hilarious too. Sometimes on purpose and sometimes just because. Case in point:
Oliver and his cousin came up with a poem about people who play music out of a speaker in a backpack while skiing. It’s kind of annoying when people do that, so they came up with a poem where things don’t turn out so well for those guys. It’s about music starting an avalanche.
I heard the music, it sounded like thunder,I didn’t realize I’d made a big blunder,
I turned around and I was six feet under.
Clever guys.
Ansel was really stressed watching a football game the other night. Before it began, he said he didn’t care who won, but by the end, the kid couldn’t handle that the Buffalo Bills were losing. After the game, I told Ansel he needed to do something to ease the loss. He thought for a few minutes and then came up to me, “Mom,” he said, “do you want to play chess with me? I need to win something.” I had to laugh! And yes, I’m very bad at chess. I just don’t care enough to put the effort in to win.
Ian had a runny nose and a fever. Jess was explaining to him that that was his body’s way of fighting the disease. “Your body has a virus,” Jess explained, to which Ian responded with a very surprised and shocked, “What!?!?!?!” He had no idea viruses were living on him.
Elsie requests Weapon of Choice” by Fatboy Slim as I’m prepping dinner nearly every night. Once I turn it in, she climbs up on the work table and dances like Christopher Walken does in the music video. It’s the cutest thing. And if you want to watch a great music video, check it out. And this, because I think my siblings are also hilarious. My oldest brother came up with a list of rules everyone should follow for taking care of oneself and following rules of cleanliness and etiquette for Sunday. It comes in rhyme form and is so good.
Shoes unpolished are shoes demolished.
Slacks soiled are slacks spoiled.
Dress shirt, not dress dirt.
Sunday best, not Sunday messed.
A visible trace is a risible disgrace.
Uncombed hair should ever be rare.
Confidence, not comfort.
Rumpled suit? Derisive hoot!
I detest what's not ironed and pressed.
Objectionable breath is the kiss of death.
Socks of white = socks of shite.
At least one shower every 24 hours.
Hoping there is a lot of humor in your life.