Age five is a great age. This is so true for Ian. The stuff he says is golden. This morning I mentioned that some of the people in our family were fasting. Ian replied with, “I’m not, I’m slowing today.” He’s into playing with Legos and asks me to go to the basement to play with him everyday. He loves cereal and enjoys snacking on frozen peas. You heard that right, frozen peas. During the month of November, we tried to say one thing we were thankful for during dinner. One evening Ian said, “Grandma Julie!”

The kid loves his sleep and reading in the morning, so getting ready on time for school is difficult, but he’s great at rushing out the door happily. He’s playing basketball and will ask me to shoot hoops with him regularly. He is a whiz at times tables and really enjoys school. Minecraft is a favorite as of late and he was kind enough to try to teach me.

Every week day, he is up and at ‘em and ready to go to school, but on weekends he loves to lounge and is usually the last kid dressed and ready for his day. He enjoys taking pictures of the moon through his telescope and recently got a series of photos of every phase of the moon. He will read anything and usually reads every book in the library bin before I’ve finished mine.

Road cycling is Jess’s jam. He rides up canyons that cars have to downshift regularly to get up. The guy can ride! His long hair and beard make toddlers believe they’ve seen Jesus at church. He continues to be one hilarious guy, making me laugh on the regular. Plus, he’s good for a solid Dad joke every night at dinner.