
Auto show

This year we headed out to visit the car show. Ansel’s all about spotting different cars on the road, coloring pictures of cars, and reading books about cars so we had to go. It’s the same thing year after year so sometimes we skip, but we had a great time this time around. Ansel would get into each car and act as if he were driving speedily around the race track. 

Oliver and Ansel were checking the trunk capacity of every car. 

And they each took a turn at the Virtual Reality Prius Car Ride with a crash test dummy. 

Ollie liked getting in the comfy seats and lounging.

And Ian was taking it easy. 

It was fun to see the latest and greatest in the auto world. 


The GeoBee and rosy cheeks

Ollie was in the Geography Bee at his school the other day. It was an intense experience. Ten kids from the 4th and 5th grade were chosen based on a test they’d taken a few weeks prior. They sat on the stage, each with a whiteboard and marker, in front of their classmates and teachers, parents and the principal. They were asked questions and slowly whittled down to five. 

And then a couple more rounds and they were down to two. All the while answering questions like: what is the most populated Scandinavian country? And what kind of animal lives in the Appalachian mountains and can squirt blood out of its eyes?

Ollie was in the championship round which was the best of three questions. Neither of them got the first two right, and then, finally, the last question was about where the biggest national park in Central America is. The two kids guessed, and the answer was Panama. Ollie took second place and was such a good sport. He clapped for his competition and gave him a handshake and a fist bump. At that moment, I was so proud of him. Afterward, I shot a pic as he was congratulated by his classmates. I think he was glad to be done. Look at those rosy cheeks, it was stressful!

That morning he had told me he was worried he’d be the first one out. He was nervous but he did it anyway and said a prayer and gave it his best. Well done Ollie!


Welcome 2019

Around here, our year started off like this:

We all had a legit flu virus and during those days I thanked the universe for ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Fevers were high and coughs were thick. But we are near the end of it and I’m starting to do stuff like laundry and vacuuming and I’m loving every minute of it! It’s always great to feel healthy after a sickness. 

We had a wonderful Christmas with some beautiful days. Look at this morning we spent sledding:

And here’s a handmade gift made by Ansel. It’s a leaf man. Look at those eyes and smile!

Here’s to 2019!