
A note

This note was waiting for me when I got home from a Young Woman activity. 

"Dear mom, if you got a treat from young women's, put under my pillow. "

Love it. 


Warning labels

This prize (suggested for use by children 4+) came with a recent kid's meal we purchased on a road trip. Notice the warning label on top. I don't know why any child would need adult supervision while drawing. Paper cuts? Eating of crayons? This seems to me to be a bit ridiculous. 


Early morning adventures

Having young children on a vacation usually means early mornings. And some late nights. This past weekend we did a mini vacation, and getting the kids to sleep the first night was an adventure. They were so pumped to be on a trip and in one room all together, they couldn't settle down. I was saying things like, "Guys, I've almost fallen asleep three times, but you guys can't settle down," and "put your heads on your pillow and close your eyes, then sleep."  Jess laughed at how good of a mother I sounded like with those great statements. And after all that they continued to giggle until it was so late that they were so exhausted they fell asleep. 

The next morning was another excited one, so we got up early and got going. We were the first to arrive at the sand dunes at the state park and it was magical. For an hour we walked, jumped, slid, dug, made sand angels in this quiet, serene, beautiful place. It was wonderful. This is a great thing I've learned as a parent. No matter how tired I am or how much of the sleep demon I possess (which in our family is the unsatisfied and illogical state one gets into when still tired but just woken up), I always end up having a grand experience with my family in the early morning. I am amazed what we can fit in before 10am!  These moments of cool air, quiet calm, and no one around, with two very curious and adventurous boys are some of the greatest.  


The latest: a photo essay on life doings

Lately, we've been up to some things. Lots of them have been wonderful.  Most notable are those pictured below. 

Dino museum with G&G T

Aquarium with Dad

Basketball hoop inside and out

Tea party with aunts, nieces, and grandma 

Ski day

Bowling competition (wow, Ollie is looking grown up!)

Bubble baths

And now it's March 11th already. Wow!